About Me
Elissa Napier NGP, CNHC, CH
My Name is Elissa Napier and I started Living With MTHFR to share genetic information with the world. I have had an interest in genetics for many years, first researching in my spare time. I had been bed-ridden for 3 years and I had went to many doctors who diagnosed me with so many different problems, but I never got better. My family and I kept researching until we finally figured out what started my decline. I had genetic variants that caused detoxification and autoimmune issues. I soon grew a strong interest to learn more and I started on a protocol that was very strict, in 4 months I was working full time again. I then decided to go back to college so that I could become even more knowledgeable and continued to work full time as well. Over the years I have researched genetics daily. I have also worked with a Naturopathic Doctor and have been developing my own genetic database with my research findings. I have listed my extensive studies and credentials for anyone to see. I also started a genetic testing company called Genome It All that provides extensive information to the public. If you have already had genetic testing thru services such as 23andme or Ancestry, I can also do Interpretations with the reporting found on Living with MTHFR. I love helping others, especially those who are hopeless and want their life back, because I have been there. If you decide to do a consultation with me, I am not like most practitioners. I spend around a week examining each clients genes, lifestyle, health concerns, and environment. I like to have all of the information I could possibly need so I can make the right choice so you will have the best outcome. I do suggest that you sign up when you are fully ready to commit to a detailed protocol that might restrict your diet, detox and require additional supplementation or testing. Please contact me in the form below with any questions.
You can also email me at livingwithmthfr@gmail.com
Below you will see my education background as well as some of the materials I have studied. I provide these materials for anyone who is interested in learning about health and genetics and would like to know how I gained my knowledge. This is a small basic list, as I research 100 hours per week, so it is constantly changing.
University of Missouri (Mizzou)-Health Sciences Degree
Dean’s List
Honors Graduate
Courses Completed:
Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Basic Environmental Studies
Clinical Ethics
College Algebra
Exposition and Argumentation
Genetic Diseases
Health Care in the United States
Healthcare Organization and Leadership
Health Science Seminar
Internship In Health Sciences-Naturopathy
Intro to Applied Statistics
Intro to the health Profession
Introduction to The Research Process and Evidence Based - Writing Intensive
Media Communication in Society
Medical Ethics
Medical Terminology
Professional Seminar
Public Health Principles and Practice
Sleep and Sleep Disorders
Sociology of Health
Survey of Abnormal Psychology
Twentieth Century America History
Natural Health School-Certified Natural Health Consultant, Certified Herbalist
Introduction to Herbalism
A Brief History of Herbalism
Natural Health Philosophy
The ABC Plus D Approach
The Digestive System
The Intestinal System
The Circulatory System
The Nervous System
The Immune System
The Respiratory System
The Glandular System
The Urinary System
The Structural System
Ayurvedic Herbalism
pH Balance
Weight Management
Dietary Guidelines
Art Institute of Dallas-Fashion/Marketing Degree
Dean’s Honor Roll
AIIC Merit Award
Honors Graduate
Courses Completed:
Advanced Pattern and Draping Techniques
Applied Construction
Career Development
College Orientation
College Math I
Color Theory
Computer Applications
Computer Design
Computer Grading and Marker Making
Computerized Patternmaking
Construction Fundamentals
Costing and Specifications
Essentials of Mathematics
English 1000
English Comp1
Fashion Drawing
Fashion History
Fashion Presentation Techniques
Fundamentals of Business
Fundamentals of Design
Fundamentals of Drawing
General Psychology
History of Western Dress
Honors Internship
Manufacturing Concepts
Oral Communications
Patternmaking Details
Patternmaking Fundamentals
Presentation Merchandising
Product Development
Production Processes
Science of Textiles
Specialty Design
Technical Drawing
Textile and Apparel Marketing
Textiles and Fabrication
Trends and Concepts in Apparel
Writing and Composition
Written Communication
Additional Courses Completed:
Harvard University
Bioethics: The Law, Medicine, and Ethics of Reproductive Technologies and Genetics
Georgetown University
Genomic Medicine Gets Personal
Introduction to Bioethics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life
Molecular Biology - Part 1: DNA Replication and Repair
Molecular Biology – Part 2: Transcription and Transposition
Molecular Biology – Part 3: RNA Processing and Translation
University of California San Diego
Analyze Your Genome!
Introduction to Genomic Data Science
Data Science
Rice University
AP Biology - Part 1: The Cell
AP Biology - Part 2: Genetics
AP Biology - Part 3: Evolution and Diversity
AP Biology - Part 4: Ecology
AP Biology - Part 5: Review and Exam Preparation
DNA: Biology Genetic Code
Fundamentals of Immunology Part 1 and 2
Medicine in the Digital Age
Proteins: Biology Workforce
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease: A Molecular and Genetic Approach
Health Literacy & Public Health: Introduction
Health Literacy & Public Health: Strategies for addressing low health literacy
Books and other Studies:
Autism:Pathways to Recovery-Dr. Amy Yasko
Genetic Bypass-Dr. Amy Yasko
Nutrigenomics, Methylation And RNA Based Nutrients-Dr. Amy Yasko
A Guide to Nutrigenomic Testing-Dr. Amy Yasko
Netter’s Anatomy Coloring Book-John T. Hansen
Structure and Function of the Body-Linda Swisher
Physiology of the Human Body-Guyton
Anatomy & Physiology-Marieb and Hoehn
The Big Picture:Gross Anatomy-McGraw Hill
Clinical Genomics-Practical Applications in Adult Patient Care-McGraw Hill
Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 20e
Physical Examination & Health Assessment, 5th edition-Jarvis
Anatomy & Physiology-Eric Wise
The Herbal Drugstore-White and Foster
Natures Medicines-Prevention health books
The Self-care Guide to Holistic Medicine-Robert S. Ivker DO
An Outline of Chinese Acupuncture-The Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine
The Naturopath Treatment Notebook-Ronald Steriti, ND, PhD
Nutrition and Diet Therapy-Cataldo & Whitney
The World’s Greatest Treasury of Health Secrets-Bottom Line Publications
Prescription for Nutritional Healing-Balch
Pharmacology for Nursing Care-Lehne
Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide-Amy M. Karch
Dosage Calculations-Gloria D. Pickar
Pharmacology and the Nursing Process-Lilley Aucker
The Johns Hopkins Complete Home Encyclopedia of Drugs
The Complete Candida Cookbook-Linda Allen
Yeast Infection No More-Linda Allen
The Anti-Inflammation Diet and Recipe Book-Jessica K. Black, N.D.
Beating Cancer with Natural Medicine-Michael Lam, M.D.
Heal Well-A Cancer Nutrition Guide-American Institute for Cancer Research
The Whole Journey Cookbook- Christa Orecchio
Genetic Guide to Food-Fitness Genes
Feel Good Nutrigenomics-Neurological Research Institute, LLC
Your Hormone Toolkit-Dr. Sara Gottfried, M.D.
4-Day Hormone Detox Plan-Flo Living
Essentials of Medical Genetics for Health Professionals-Gunder, Martin
Healing Candida with Food-Paula Miller
Grain Brain-David Perlmutter, MD
Social Causes of Health and Disease-William S. Cockerman
The Promise of Sleep-William C. Dement MD
Abnormal Psychology and Life-Kearney, Trull
Health Literacy from A to Z-Helen Osborne
Ethical Dimensions-Purtilo, Doherty
Bioethics-Kuhse, Singer
Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood-Arnett
Leadership for Health Professionals-Ledlow 7 Coppola
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team-Lencioni
Essentials of the US Health Care System-Shi & Singh
Research and Medical Literature for Health Professionals-Blessing, Forister
Phlebotomy-McCall, Tankersley
Human Embryology and Developmental Biology-Bruce M. Carlson MD, PhD
Medical Terminology Systems-Gylys, Wedding
Medical Terminology-Dennerll & Davis
Psychiatric-Mental health nursing-Barbara Schoen Johnson
Genetics: From Genes to Genomes-Hartwell, et al
Relaxation Revolution:Enhancing Your personal health through the science and genetics of mind body healing-Benson & Proctor
Living with our genes-Hamer and Copeland
Genetic Analysis-Sanders and Bowman
Maggots, Wonder drugs, Transplants & Genomes-Rayburne W. Goen MD
Genetics and human behaviour the ethical context-Nuffield Council on Bioethics
Medical Genetics Summaries-Pratt,et. All
The New Genetics-NIGMS
Essential Medical Genetics-Tobias, et. all
Clinical Medical Genetics 202-Jon Bernstein
Informed Consent for Genetic Testing-MDHHS
Genetics, The Future of Medicine-American Society of Human Medicine
Hereditary Cancer Genetic Testing-OPKO
Guide to Interpreting Genomic Reports:A Genomics Toolkit-CSER
Guidelines for Primary Healthcare Professionals-UCD
Personalized Medicine:Trends and prospects for the new science of genetic testing and molecular diagnostics-United Health
Report on Confirmatory Genetic Diagnostic Test Activity-US Patent and Trademark Office
Multilocus Genetic Risk Score Associates With Ischemic Stroke in Case–Control and Prospective Cohort Studies-Malik,et.all
Genomic Designation:New kinds of people at the intersection of genetics, medicine and social action-Daniel Navon
Clinical Commissioning Policy: Genetic Testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations-NHS England
Diet and Lifestyle Strategies for Detoxification SNPs-Deanna Minich, PhD
What is Hypochondroplasia? Restricted Growth Association
Detoxification for Practitioners-Thorne Research
Autism..The Road to Recovery-Dr. Kurt Woeller
Comprehensive Guide for the IFM elimination diet
Dirty Genes-Ben Lynch
Genetics in Medicine-8th edition-Thompson and Thompson
Genes and Disease-National Center for Biotechnology Information
Cells and DNA-Genetics Home Reference
Mutations and Health-Genetics Home Reference
Inheritance:The Power of the Gene
GeneTests-Growth of Laboratory Directory-Genetic Services Policy Project
Epigenetic Modifications:Basic Mechanisms and Role in Cardiovascular Disease-Handy, et.al
Epistasis between Polymorphisms in COMT, ESR1, and GCH1 Influences COMT Enzyme Activity and Pain-Smith, et al
Population Screening in the Age of Genomic Medicine-NEJM
Population-based screening for breast and ovarian cancer risk due to BRCA1 and BRCA2-PNAS
BRCA1/BRCA2 Mutations-Cancer Support Community
Pharmacogenetic Tests & Genetic Tests for Heritable Markers-CDRH
Pharmacogenomics gene panel report-Mayo Clinic
C677T gene polymorphism of MTHFR and metabolic syndrome:response to dietary intervention-Di Renzo, et al
Introduction to Pharmacogenetics/genomics:Implications for older adults-Elvin T Price
Predicting Cancer drug response using a recommender system-Supahvilai, et al
PharmacoGx:Data Sharing and Research Reproducibility in Pharmacogenomics- Haibe-Kains
Complementary & alternative therapies developmental disabilities-Teresa Bailey
PharmacoDB:an integrative database for mining in vitro anticancer drug screening studies-Smirnov, et al
GRcalculator: an online tool for calculating and mining dose-response data- Clark, et al
Integrative Cancer Pharmacogenomics to Infer large-scale drug taxonomy-El-hachem, et al
A review of potential harmful interactions between anticoagulant/antiplatelet agents and chinese herbal medicines-Tsai, et al
White Paper on Natural Products-Gabay, et al
Integration of high-content screening and untargeted metabolomics for comprehensive functional annotation of natural product libraries-Kurita, et al
Cell panel profiling reveals conserved therapeutic clusters and differentiates the mechanism of action of different pI3K/mTOR, Aurora kinase and EZH2 inhibitors-Uitdehaag, et all
Tissue specificity of in vitro drug sensitivity-Yao, et al
Personalized medicine:Trends and prospects for the new science of genetic testing and molecular diagnostics-United health
Cytochrome P450 enzyme mediated herbal drug interactions-Phopin, et al
Hepatotoxicity of herbal supplements mediated by modulation of Cytochrome P450-Brewer, Chen
Translation of Nutritional Genomics into nutrition practice:The next step-Murgia, et al
Sex Linkage-Learn Genetics
Epigenetics and Inheritance-Learn Genetics
Gene Control-Learn Genetics
The Epigenome Learns from Experience-Learn Genetics
Challenges In Gene Therapy-Learn Genetics
Approaches to Gene Therapy-Learn Genetics
Genetic Therapy for the Nervous System-Bowers, et.al
Understanding Stem Cells-Nova Science Now
The Cell-CISM
The Language of Biology-CISM
What Causes Cancer-CISM
Personalized Medicine-CISM
Oncogenes, Tumor-suppressor Genes and DNA Repair Genes-CISM
What is Mitochondrial Disease? Mitochondrial Disease Foundation
Mitochondrial Disorders Program-Cincinnati Children’s
Chromosomal Abnormalities:Aneuploidies-Clare O'Connor
Multifactorial Inheritance and Genetic Disease-Ingrid Lobo, PhD
Too Rare for Research?-Amy Paturel, MS
Surgery to Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer-NIH
An overview of Mutation Detection Methods in Genetic Disorders-Mahdieh
Importance of Clinical Information for Optimal Genetic Test Selection and Interpretation-Chris Miller
The Sanum Therapy Prescription Book-Konrad Worthmann, M.D.
Vogel and Motulsky’s Human Genetics
The Selfish Gene-Richard Dawkins
Affiliated Companies:
BioHealth Laboratory
Emerson Ecologics
Trace Elements
Diet Plans Studied:
4-day Hormone detox
7 day detox diet
A Low Sulfur (sulfate, sulfite) Diet
Allergen Restricted Diet
Antioxidant need
Blood Sugar 10-day detox
Cancer Nutrition Guide
Candida Mycotoxin detox
Candida Diet
Coeliac celiac
Celiac/Gluten free Diet
Gluten-Free & Casein-Free (GFCF) Diet
Bitter Taste Sensitivity
Detoxification ability
Dietary macronutrient intake
Dr Gundry’s Diet Evolution
Eating without MSG
Feingold Diet (salicylate)
Fermentable Oligo-Di-Monosaccharides and Polyols Fodmaps
Food Elimination Diet
Glycaemic Load
Gout Diet
Heal Your Leaky Gut
Herbal D-Tox Cookbook For Cleansing
Intermittent fasting
Keto/Paleo hybrid
Ketogenic diet
Lectin Avoidance Cookbook
Low Carb Diet
Low Fat Diet
Low Oxalate Diet
Metabolic traits
Serum metabolite levels
Nutri-Gene Diet & Lifestyle
Paleo Diet
Raw Foods Diet
Resistant Starch Diet
The Doctor’s Diet
Thyroid cure detox
Trans fatty acid levels
Vegan diet
Additional Studies
Detoxification Diet and Protocols
Environmental Toxins
Genetic Mutations
Genetic Reporting
Heavy Metals
Intestinal Health
Mineral Balance
Methyl cycle Nutrigenomics
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
At Living with MTHFR, we do not have a full-time call center, as we are a small company and try to keep our prices low and ensure privacy for our customers.