Vaccine Response
- By six months of age, infants are typically receiving 26 vaccinations.
- A vaccine response is any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression) after a vaccine.
- A vaccine is a preparation containing substances with antigenic properties administered to activate the immune system, inducing an immune response.
The Immune system
- A viral infection is a complex, multistage interaction between the virus and the host organism. An infection course and eventual outcome results from the balance between host and virus processes.
- Host factors include: virus transmission and exposure from various routes and immune response control of virus replication.
- Virus processes include: initial infection of the host, spreading throughout the host, and gene expression regulation to evade the immune response.
- Medical intervention against virus infections include: drugs to inhibit virus replication; vaccines to stimulate immune response.
- Molecular biology stimulates the production of a new generation of antiviral drugs and vaccines.
- Many people nowadays have diminished cell-mediated inflammatory response (activation of white blood cells), AKA being sick.
- Normal infections, such as chickenpox, activate two arms of our immune system. First is the humoral immune response (antibody-based response in B cells) that creates antibodies to log what has happened. The second is cell-mediated activation, where white blood cells respond to the invader and try to rid it from the body by creating a fever, mucus, rash, achiness, and sweating. This is a normal response with naturally occurring infections.
- Vaccines attempt to activate antibodies (humoral response) and deactivate the cell-mediated response. Autoimmune diseases and cancer also have the same immune response. The body expels microorganisms and foreign proteins during cell-mediated response which is being shut down after vaccinations. Those who are vaccinated typically end up with an under-stimulated cell-mediated system and an over-stimulated humoral antibody system.
- Cancer has become very prevalent in our current time and vaccines could be a contributor due to the suppression due to diminished cell-mediated inflammatory response. Additional cancer contributors can come from the overuse of fever-reducing medicine such as aspirin (acetaminophen) and antibiotics, as they kill gut bacteria. Our current approach in medicine tries to override our body’s natural processes.
There are both pro- and anti-childhood vaccination websites:
- Pro: American Academy of Pediatricians website at
- Anti: Vaccination Choice Canada at
Vaccine Injury
- We have all seen the vaccine injury topic, as it has become quite a hot topic.
- When a vaccine injury occurs, physicians and vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability in the United States. Still, over 3 billion dollars have been paid out to vaccine injured individuals. The 1986 National Vaccine Injury Act was established to address vaccine injury remuneration which is paid for by federal taxpayer dollars. So the topic of vaccine injury has been around for much longer than most think, imagine, there was a federally held act for vaccine injuries, so there is proof that there are people who are vaccine injured. Even the US Supreme Court has ruled that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe”, but the research on genetics may help remove the “unavoidably” from that statement.
- The process of reporting vaccine reactions have limits and not all types of vaccine injuries qualify for a financial claim. Many vaccine injury symptoms are not detected for several weeks or longer, so it is believed that vaccine injury is significantly under-reported, due to injuries being difficult or impossible to detect.
- Several genetic mutations have been studied in relationship to vaccine injury. Having this knowledge would help both patients and physicians to determine possible susceptibilities of vaccine reactions. This can help to make informed and science-based decisions regarding vaccinations.
- There is a limited implementation clinically of known genetic risk factors. There simply has not been enough education to the medical world on genetic impacts as it is quite complex.
What Makes Us React Differently to Vaccines?
- Humans are unique beings causing each person to react differently to different triggers of the world.
- Genetic research has helped to understand how genetic variations can significantly influence how a person will respond to things in our environment, lifestyle, diet, drugs, pharmaceuticals, surgeries, medical procedures, viruses, and vaccines.
Vaccines induce immunological reactions from:
- Humoral (antibody-based immune reactions)
- Cell-mediated immune activation (immune responses involving cell-mediated inflammatory activity).
Importance of Knowing Your Genes:
- Western-based medicine often blindly treats each individual as if they react the same which can cause injury, harm, and even death.
- There is an urgent need for genetically individualized medicine. This is possibly postponed due to financial loss, as unnecessary and dangerous drugs will be avoided by people who have a genetic predisposition to have a negative reaction. The overall health and wellness of the person is of secondary importance and financial gain comes first.
- offers direct to consumer genetic testing that will not be reported with your insurance companies and to avoid anything going on your health record. Genome It All also includes many different gene SNPs associated with vaccine response on their already extensive genotype report.
- If you have already had genetic testing using 23&me or AncestryDNA, then you can purchase reports on that show vaccine associations. There are not as many on the report as there are on Genome It All’s report.
Virus Genomes
- The compositions and structures of virus genomes are more varied than any of those seen in animal, bacteria or plant kingdoms.
- The nucleic acid comprising the genome may be single stranded or double stranded and may have a linear, circular, or segmented configuration. Single-stranded virus genomes may be either positive (+) sense (the same polarity, or nucleotide sequence, as the mRNA), negative (-) sense, or ambisense (a mixture of the two).
- Virus genomes range in size from approximately 3500 nucleotides (nt) (bacteriophages of the family Leviviridae, such as MS2 and Qb) to approximately 1.2 million bp (2,400,000 nt), such as the newly discovered Mimivirus, larger than the smallest bacterial genomes (Mycoplasma).
- Unlike the genomes of all cells, which are composed of DNA, virus genomes may contain their genetic information encoded in either DNA or RNA.
- Whatever the particular composition of a virus genome, each must conform to a single condition.
Genetics of Vaccine Injury
- Studies have identified genes related to autoimmunity, immunological responses, and methylation.
- Studies have found strong statistical correlations between genetic variants and vaccine injury following the smallpox vaccine. These variants include:
- 3 variants of IL4 (interleukin 4), a cytokine involved in the cell-mediated inflammatory immune response.
- 2 variants of IRF1 (interferon regulatory factor), a transcription factor involved in releasing cytotoxic interferon, and cell apoptosis (cell-programmed death).
- 1 variant of MTHFR, the C677T allele (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase), involved with folate metabolism, methylation, cell proliferation, DNA repair, and phase 2 detoxification.
- Genetic variants of the HLA (human leukocyte antigen) gene have been associated with vaccine-induced autoimmune activation. The HLA gene is strongly associated with autoimmune processes as they detect and remove antigens during infection. They also signal different immunological responses to T-cells. TH1 and TH2 imbalances between immune branches are common autoimmune processes. Some of the HLA variants include:
- Genetic variants have been associated with MMR-related febrile seizures among children.
There are gene SNPs associated MMR-related febrile seizures, some include:
- SCN1a, a gene associated with sodium ion channel activity
- CN2a, a gene associated with sodium ion channel activity
- IFI44L, a gene associated with interferon inductive functions
- TMEM16, a gene associated with calcium and chloride ion channel activities, phospholipid scrambling, and membrane protein modulation
- Intergenic
- Additional cytokine-mediated genes, such as IL-1 and IL-18 have also been involved in adverse vaccine reactions.
MTHFR and Vaccinations-
- The MTHFR gene always seems to be a hot topic and often many blame it for a vast amount of problems without realizing the function of the gene itself. Since over half of the population have MTHFR variants, it would be hard to conclude that half of our population has been injured by vaccines. There has been a small study on MTHFR variants and vaccination adverse events that could lead to injuries. In the study, they found that individuals with an MTHFR C677T variant had an increased possibility of an adverse event. Since the Smallpox vaccine has not been used in the United States general public in about 45 years, this does not relate to other vaccines many are concerned about.
- Carriers with the MTHFR C677T variant could have more sensitivity to mercury. Since 2001 children’s vaccinations no longer contain mercury. However, the seasonal flu vaccine for those over 6 years old can still contain mercury.
Possible Vaccine Injuries Include:
- Autism
- Death
- Permanent disability
- Febrile seizures
Autoimmune processes that can be triggered by vaccinations:
- Lupus
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF), a muscle disease
- Guillain Barre syndrome (GBS), a rare neurological disorder
- The classic form of Kanner autism was discovered in the 1940s by Leo Kanner. Kanner autism is a life-long epigenetic condition that can have minor improvements in symptoms.
- Each child with Autism is unique and the cause can be multifactorial with each child having different causes. There are no quick fixes that will make your child’s autism suddenly disappear. There are also no guarantees of completely recovering for all children on the spectrum. It is more common that they become healthier and improve their social interaction.
- Many biomedical autism doctors have seen a pattern for several years with children regressing into autism just after a series of vaccines. The combined Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) has been one that has seen a higher association.
- Research has often found no association between vaccines in autism. Environmental, biologic, and genetic factors have been linked to autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but there is not a complete list of causes at this time.
- Parents of older age has been linked to a greater risk of ASD.
- Heavy metals such as mercury could play a significant role in Autism, but immune system imbalances and methylation defects could as well.
- Toxicity comes in many forms, it does not just come from an external toxins such as lead, mercury, or environmental chemicals. Toxins can metabolised by your body from faulty digestion, by over-producing ammonia, diet (food toxins), and infections such as bacteria, parasites and/or yeast.
- Some believe that autistic children a reduction of natural antioxidants such as glutathione and metallothionein. This can cause them to be more vulnerable to environmental exposure of diet and vaccines.
- If you believe your child was impacted after an MMR or other vaccine and continues to have bowel issues, a Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) will likely be needed over a soy-free, gluten-free/casein-free diet. Many autism-spectrum children have issues with proper methylation with their system not working correctly which can have a negative impact on their health. Issues that can be seen: decreased ability to detox chemicals and heavy metals; increased susceptibility to chronic infections, and neurocognitive problems such as attention, concentration and language processing. For proper conversion of homocysteine supplementing with Methylcobalamin (MB-12), Folic Acid in the form of Folinic Acid or Methylfolate (based off your Genome It All report), and Betaine (TMG) to convert to methionine.
- Looking at your child's genetic susceptibilities can give clues about reduced detoxification, metabolism, methylation or neurological susceptibilities. Sometimes problems do not occur until after a child has been negatively impacted from: chemical pollutants; nutritional deficiencies; digestive problems from bacteria, yeast or parasites; malabsorption from digestive inflammation; and heavy metal toxins, such as mercury from vaccines or environmental exposures.
Genetic Defects Associated with Vaccine Response:
Ficolin 3 deficiency (FCN3D):
- A disorder characterized by immunodeficiency, recurrent infections, brain abscesses and recurrent warts on the fingers. Affected individuals have normal levels of lymphocytes, normal T-cell responses, and normal antibodies, but a selective deficient antibody response to pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. [MIM:613860]
Childhood Vaccinations
- Parents often struggle with the decision of immunizing their children against illnesses such as diphtheria, measles, mumps, pertussis, tetanus, and many more. There is scientific and medical evidence to back positions of both positive and negative reactions. It is important to speak with your child’s pediatrician the necessity of each vaccination your child is scheduled to receive. Ensure that you ask about possible side effects, signs and symptoms of possible reactions, as well as what you should do if a reaction occurs.
Child vaccination potential side effects:
- If your child is currently ill or has taken antibiotics within the past 4 weeks, it is advised to hold off on vaccinations.
- During the first 2 years of life, the immune system is still developing and causing it to be more prone to injury. For maximum safety, holding off on vaccinations until your child is 2 years old may be beneficial. Delaying vaccinations could cause extra office visits and higher copays.
- Only allow a single vaccine each visit then wait for a minimum of one month between vaccines. Avoid getting a vaccine containing more than one vaccine, except the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, as it is a combination vaccine. Be sure that when your child receives the MMR vaccine, they do not get any other vaccines (chicken pox, influenza, polio or rotavirus) at the same time.
- Ensure they use the single-dose, preservative-free vaccine. Insist that they use a single-dose as the multidose vaccine contains preservatives that allow the bottle to be punctured several times.
- Determine if your child is in the high-risk category for developing complications from chicken pox. If they are not at high risk, then it is advised to avoid the vaccination for chicken pox.
- Do not administer acetaminophen prior to vaccination. If your child does develop a fever after a vaccine, avoid aspirin and use caution of other fever-reducing medications. If the fever reaches 104°F (40 °C) contact your physician and ask them which form of fever-reducing medicine (not aspirin) they advise. Ibuprofen is typically advised over acetaminophen, as it reduces available glutathione which aids in detoxification of several chemical additives in vaccines.
Suggestions for Vaccine exposure
Avoiding Heavy Metals
- To possibly lower the risk of childhood developmental disorders, try reducing exposure to heavy metals.
- Heavy metals can cross the placenta which can affect the brain of the developing fetus, so pregnant women should be aware of heavy metal exposure.
- The brain is especially sensitive to toxic insults during childhood, so parents also need to be aware of exposure.
Steps to reduce exposure to heavy metals:
- Choose thimerosal-free vaccines.
- Avoid cooking with aluminum pans. Opt instead for stainless steel or enameled cast iron.
- Filter water in your home. Use a water filtration system that removes heavy metals.
- If buying white rice, ensure it is from California, as it is typically lower in arsenic. Reduce brown and white rice from India as well as areas outside of California, as rice from these areas tends to have higher arsenic levels.
- Choose low mercury seafood. Seafood with lower-mercury content: pole-caught albacore tuna; wild-caught Alaskan salmon, and wild-caught Pacific sardines. Seafood higher in mercury: Atlantic cod, halibut, shark, and swordfish.
- Reduce heavy metals in your home. Try to avoid bringing heavy metals into your home. This is especially important if you have children at home. If work in a profession that involves heavy metal exposure such as: construction or manufacturing be sure to immediately bathe and change your clothing to avoid contaminating your home with heavy metals.
- Buy organic chicken, as conventionally raised chicken tends to be high in arsenic.
- Intravenous Chelation Therapy has been shown to be extremely effective in detoxing heavy metals in the human arterial system.
- Chelating products are sold that can be administered orally which contain the same EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid) enzyme used in the intravenous chelation therapy.
- A product on the market called Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme that works the same as EDTA, as it can remove/chelate heavy metals.
- Take 800 I.U. to 1200 I.U. of Vitamin E every day. Be sure to check your Genome It All report to see which form of Vitamin E works best for you.
Supplementing Suggestions
- Papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16)- Bacillus subtilis spores can stimulate immune response when co-administered with a vaccine for papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) in mice.
- Anti-influenza vaccine- Oral administration of Lactobacillus fermentum could reduce influenza-like illness for 5 months following a anti-influenza vaccine. Lactobacillus fermentum could provide increased systemic protection by increasing the Th1 response and virus-neutralizing antibodies immunologic response from a anti-influenza vaccine.
- Try to reduce the possibility of vaccine reactions to viral vaccines (chickenpox, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, influenza MMR, and polio) by having your child take vitamin C powder (mineral ascorbates) and vitamin A drops (mycelized) the days leading up to and following the vaccination. This does not guarantee that a reaction won’t occur, but could help reduce the risk of a possible reaction. Ensure in their genetic profile which form of vitamin A (retinyl palmitate or beta-carotene) works best for them before administering. Use the table below to determine the amounts to use. Tips: If 1 teaspoon contains 4,000 mg vitamin C, then ¼ teaspoon equals 1,000 mg. High doses of vitamin C can cause loose stools. You can decrease the dosage if loose stools occur.
Vaccine Ingredients
Vaccines can contain toxic substances such as:
- Antigens
- Aluminum
- Chemicals
- Diseased animal tissue
- Formaldehyde
- Mercury
- Aluminum, a pervasive heavy metal is used in vaccines as a adjuvant. It is also used in antacids, antiperspirants, beverage cans, food additive, and in metal cookware.
- High levels of aluminum has been found in the brain tissue of deceased individuals with autism. Aluminum content being mostly found in immune cells of the brain, which suggests that aluminum provokes a neuroimmune response.
- The prevalence of autism spectrum disorder has been associated with the amount of aluminum adjuvant administered to children in vaccines, which could support the idea that aluminum adversely impacts the developing brain.
Mercury in Vaccinations
- Mercury passes through the blood-brain barrier, accumulates in brain tissue and the spinal cord which can disrupt neurological function.
- Thiomersal (INN), or thimerosal (USAN, JAN), is an organomercury compound that is an established antiseptic and antifungal agent. Eli Lilly and Company, a pharmaceutical corporation gave thiomersal the trade name Merthiolate.
- Thimerosal has been used as a preservative in: antivenins, immunoglobulin preparations, ophthalmic and nasal products, skin test antigens, tattoo inks and vaccines.
- Thimerosal has been phased out of routine childhood vaccines in the European Union, and a few other countries as the use as a vaccine preservative was controversial. Of course, scientific consensus still states these fears are unsubstantiated.
- Vaccines can contain up to 12.5 micrograms of mercury per dose.
Mercury in Children
- Mercury exposure during childhood typically occurs from dental amalgams, consuming seafood and vaccines containing thimerosal.
- Children are susceptible to the effects of mercury, with a possible increased risk of behavioral disorders. Low levels of mercury can be harmful to the developing brain causing learning disabilities.
- Other potential exposures are maternal amalgam (mercury fillings) can lead to in-utero exposure.
- A study showed that prenatal mercury exposure found in cord blood has been associated with ADHD symptoms in children.
- Other studies found that postnatal mercury exposure from thimerosal in vaccines has been linked to ASD, ADD, ADHD, and tic disorder.
- In 2008 the CDC states that a preservative in vaccines, an organic compound that contains mercury, Thimerosal, can aggravate autism in children due to a genes that predisposes them.
- Autism has become quite an epidemic in children. Some believe that mercury from thimerosal-containing vaccines is a causative factor for the neuro-degeneration this is associated with autism.
- A systematic review of 44 studies found significantly higher mercury levels in the whole blood, red blood cells, and brains of autistic subjects.
- Ambient air mercury has been linked to the increased prevalence of autism in children.
Different types of Vaccines
- Controlling malaria through vaccine is a widely discussed and controversial topic. Resistance to drugs as well as vector's resistance to insecticides has been increasing around the world. Vaccines have been used as a source of infection control.
- Species-specific malaria antigens- asexual blood forms of P. vivax are potential components in this vaccine such as: merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP-1), DBP and apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA-1).
- MSP-1- is a protein in the blood stage of Plasmodium. This antigen is an integral membrane protein that appears to be linked to the merozoite surface processing. The MSP-1 protein generates smaller fragments which remain on the surface of the parasite; these are essential for merozoite invasion.
- P. vivax MSP-1 protein (PvMSP-1)- is highly immunogenic in different regions of the world including Brazil, Colombia, Korea, and Sri Lanka. The PvMSP-1 antigen has been considered an important candidate for the inoculation of the vaccine against the asexual blood stage of the parasite. However, this protein has polymorphisms which could compromise its potential.
- Other proteins associated with the merozoite surface- MSP-3, MSP-4, MSP-5 and MSP-9 could be potentially useful for vaccines. Some have been produced for studies as recombinant proteins.
Duffy blood group and malaria
- The Duffy antigen determines gene functions as a receptor for the Plasmodium vivax parasite. The frequency of Plasmodium vivax infection and malaria is lower in individuals with the Duffy negative blood group. This observation led to development of a vaccine that specifically targets the P. vivax protein that binds to the Duffy receptor.
- A vaccine could have a greater likelihood of effectively preventing group A streptococcal infections as they can target multiple subtypes of the bacteria. There have been several attempts to create a vaccine in the past few decades. Difficulties in vaccine development include: considerable strain variety of group A streptococci present in the environment and the amount of time and number of people needed for appropriate trials for safety and efficacy of any potential vaccine.
- The streptococcal vaccines are still in the development phase and can expose to the person to proteins present on the surface of the group A streptococci to activate an immune response that will prepare the person to fight and prevent future infections.
Disclaimer: I am providing information on the topic of vaccines from research. I am not claiming an opinion on whether or not kids should be vaccinated on the currently advised pediatric vaccination schedule.
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Please reference when sharing this information.